Today’s essay, with all manner of visual and auditory embellishments, came like a breath of fresh Orkney air. Having worked with wood a great part of my life, John Leslie’s creating the dinghy with deft strokes was entrancing. Mark Jenkins’ film capture of John’s expertise added so much. I was grateful for the English captions.

And you built your own canoe? Brava!

All the very best,


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I had plenty of help with my canoe! But yes, I loved watching John's skill and his dry Orcadian humour!

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He is great! If I can watch the entire movie, as a free subscriber (what else do I want for free?), I believe I’d thoroughly enjoy every minute. I’m so glad you featured all your friends today that factored in to making the video!

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Yes it’s free to watch the full version

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“Human kindness is overflowing,

And I think it’s going to rain today.”

Written by Randy Newman and covered by many others. I offer that in recognition of your own human kindness, Samantha.

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